- I/we understand that the purpose of martial arts is to develop self discipline, improve physical fitness, mentalawareness and develop self defense skills. I understand that some facets of the program may involve bodilycontact and am duly aware of the risks and hazards inherent in such activities. I am responsible for all injuries during the exercises. If any concerns are present for me I will visit a qualified physician prior to undertaking myfirst class.
- I clearly understand there is no daycare here, this is a martial arts Center and expect to participate in allconventional elements including promotion tests and acquiring equipment as required.
- There are no refunds after attending the first class. Personal equipment and clothing will not be accepted for return unless defective and presented immediately. Time credits, if considered, are only under dire circumstances and a doctor’s note is required. Students are encouraged to attend every available class. Failure of the student to regularly attend prescribed classes and/or utilize Center facilities / services, short term illness, or vacation, should be reported to Head Instructor and/or Administration of BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS & MANAGEMENT CENTRE
- The Center is not responsible for missing clothing or other personal items.
- I/we must keep strictly to the rules of this centre (i.e. BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE)
- The Center will close for national holidays, a brief Summer and Christmas break. The Center reserves the right to alter the days and hours of operation if necessary.
- I/we have read this document and fully agree with the conditions set out herein.
- Come to class regularly, you must be on time.
- You are responsible for informing the centre office personally if you must miss a class. Remember you have committed to a centre curriculum activity. Unless you are physically incapable, personal notification applies to every student without exception, by note or by voice.
- Members who are planning for a Summer Vacation are requested to confirm their rejoining for the package following the vacation - i.e. confirmation with payment to reserve the spot (e.g. summer break on July & August, members must confirm and pay for September "based on the package selection")
- Come to class with a disciplined attitude and an awareness of your personal goals at this centre although you will receive abundant instruction and encouragement, you must make it your primary responsibility to be well informed and practiced.
- Respect our Instructors, advanced students and other members. Treat the centre as your own. You should not have to be asked to keep it tidy.
- When an Instructor addresses you, respond promptly & distinctly "yes sir" or "no sir" unless an explanation is required. In the case of a female instructor the title "ma'am" is substituted for the male title "sir".
- If you meet Chief Master Instructor "Mohamed Bin Jamal" in or out of the centre, you should greet him in the same manner. If you are introduced to or address another Instructor you should also bow. Never attempt a bow from a seated position, it is deeply disrespectful. The bow can be considered 'our special handshake' for fellow club members. You should not bow to a person or people whose status you are unsure. An introduction should be in order. We do not bow to any inanimate objects. We salute the flag of any nation only.
- Maintain a quiet respectful attitude before, during and after class. During tests a proper sitting position must be maintained, cross legged or shins under. When seated, always sit straight. Never slouch.
- Keep uniforms clean, neat, ironed and folded properly. The uniform's 'Belt' is never washed.
- You must wear your belts with your uniform on the training floor.
- After enrollment in a regular program, past the introduction, the Centre logo must be sewn on your upper right sleeve before attending your next class.
- Students to be ready with the following protectors / equipments as follow : Yellow belt - groin and shin/instep guards. Orange belt -chest protector. Green belt- head gear & mouth guard. Purple belt –All mentioned.
- Rings, watches or other similar items are not worn in class. Gum chewing, wearing hats, or dark glasses, are activities unwanted in the centre.
- Toe and fingernails must be kept short & tidy, teeth brushed, feet & hands well scrubbed prior to class. Remember we practice barefoot, in close proximity of others and make contact regularly.
- Sparring before or after class, all technique for new rank levels or public demonstrations first requires permission from Head Instructor "Mohamed Bin Jamal" or a senior Instructor.
- Read all notices. Keep your handbook up to date, you are required to test when directed.
- Conduct inside and outside the centre must always reflect positively on your centre, Instructors, Taekwondo and the Martial Arts. As a member you are obligated to promote your centre, it's events and values at all times. You should make every effort to provide maximum support to your parents, family, friends, fellow members and community regardless of the issue. Accept help when you require it, give help when asked.
- Pay fees on time.
Student/Parent Agreement & Policy: All of the information encompassed in the document below reflects the responsibilities to existing and future members of BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE. Students and Parents share in the continuation of growth pertaining to the student's dedication and attitude He or She expresses in or out of the class environment; BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE is dedicated in teaching, not only physical and mental training, but also manners, etiquette and appreciation of others with compassion and understanding. On the surface, Martial Arts training can seem very superficial. BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE is not this type of establishment. Respect is one of the most highly under rated tenets in today's society. Respect promotes equality. Without equality society is doomed to continue its path to the separation of humanity. Recognizing who we are and what life is about; should be an aspect every human, old and young should embrace. These attitudes are expected not only BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE students, but also from the parents, friends, and relatives associated with this operation. Everyone plays a part in the raising of today's youth. Setting examples for our youth is the largest responsibility we can endure. At BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE, rest assured that our goal is to see the mutual concession for all.
The BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE Pledge To Students: The BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE (hereinafter referred to as the Centre) will use its best efforts to assist the student in obtaining his or her maximum potential the art of Taekwondo. The Centre is committed to providing and maintaining professional facilities staff and a varied and regular class schedule. The student understands that the Centre is providing a service where two way communication is essential to the effective servicing of the student, agrees to communicate his/her needs and/or problems.
Membership Agreement: The Centre agrees to provide the student with lessons in the art of Taekwondo on a scheduled basis established by the Centre, each lesson to be approximately forty-five to sixty minutes (Kid’s) and sixty minutes (Adults) in duration. Lessons scheduled may be modified at the discretion of the Centre from time to time for public holidays, Martial Art tournaments and other Centre activities. The Centre shall give prior notice of such modifications by general announcement, Without prior written request from the student, and without prior written approval of the Centre, no deviation of the established class schedule may be made by the student, and the failure of the student to attend any scheduled lesson shall terminate his or her rights to that lesson only, The student recognizes that regular class attendance is important for the student's progress and understands that it is the student's responsibility to attend the classes. It is further understood that the student is obligated to make payments whether or not the student attends classes (payment in full at the 1st of every month), the student further understands that failure to complete the lessons does not relieve the student of the obligation to pay the tuition in full. The student understands further that strict observation of the rules and regulations relative to training include the use of protective equipment required by the centre. This equipment will largely eliminate the possibility of accident or injury; however, the centre does not warranty the protective equipment (i.e. every student shall provide his/her protective equipment’s). The student further agrees to waive any claim of damages against the centre and/or its principals or its instructors in any case resulting from the activity. The names of students and any photographs or motion pictures taken during the center’s activities may be used for promotional purposes. The parties agree that the costs for uniforms, belt promotion test fees, tournament fees, protective equipment, and other Centre related activities are not covered by this document and remain the responsibility of the student. The centre reserves the right to display any trophy, medal, etc. won by any student for a period of one year. This agreement may be canceled for reasons of death or permanent disability by providing a death certificate or disability statement by a certified physician. This agreement is non-transferable without the express written consent of BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE.
Curriculum Policy:
- BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE & MANAGEMENT operates and abides by the policies and practices of the Bahrain Taekwondo Federation, Bahrain Combat Sports Council, and the World Taekwondo Federation (WT)
- Advancement of Rank is determined solely by BIN JAMAL TAEKWONDO FITNESS CENTRE and is not negotiable.
- Students are accepted for advancement based on their abilities on learning the required material and physical & mental attributes.
- Students under 3 years will not be eligible to register for the regular program but will be registered under special program for that age catefory.
- Students must fulfill the required period of each ranks between 9th Gup (i.e. White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Purple, Blue, Brown, and Red) to 1st Degree Black Belt (2.5 - 4 months between each Gup) to ensure standards. 1st Poom Less than 15 Years Old, and 1st Dan 15years and above.
- Training time to reach 1st Degree Black Belt from the last belt category (Gup) is 10 - 12 months (80 - 96 sessions) based on a 2 class a week schedule and is not guaranteed.
- The official break of the centre will be August of every year. (subject to change)
- Public holiday as to be announced by Bahrain Government shall be applied with no comensation.
Policy Agreement:
- Registration fee of BHD 20 paid once (during the first time registration) - non refundable.
- Advancement Exam fees will be applied seperatly depends on the Belt Level.
- Temporary leave of absence is not allowed unless the student is on our Black Belt program, special circumstances may be considered.
- Dissolution of membership will occur after 60 days/24 sessions without contact from the member, and the member will be subject to a re-activation fee of BHD20 paid along with the monthly regular charge and has (i.e. the member) to sit for a test conducted by the instructor on the 4th lesson of the member attendance to check the level of the member performance which will allow the instructor to decide if the member shall stay on his/her rank (i.e. belt).
- Leaving for longer than 30 days/12 sessions will be subject to a re-activation fee of BHD20
- Once a specific plan (of training that will allow student for advancement exam) is chosen, the plan cannot be re-negotiated until it has been fulfilled
- All fees are the responsibility of the Member/Guardian - Non refundable.
- After the 1st of every month, dues are considered late. If the student is out of town on the 1st, pre-arrangement of payment should be established.
- BHD 4 a day late charge will be added to dues after 6th of every month.
- Price haggling will not be tolerated
- Payments are on monthly basis and not based on per class.
- The player will not be allowed to enter the class if the payment is not done on time.
- In case of absences during the month, payments will not be refunded (no refunds will be provided for cancellation or no shows)
- No extensions or refund for public holidays.
Parent/Guardian signature: {contact_name} ( for {name} ) -
Relationship to participant: {contact_relation}
Date (DD/MM/YY): {sign_date}
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